Our interview with Fanny Tomaselli
In this interview, we talk to Fanny Tomaselli, head of customer care, marketing and communication at Anodica.
In this interview, we talk to Fanny Tomaselli, head of customer care, marketing and communication at Anodica.
Being part of a work team is a challenging adventure, which not only involves the professional aspect but also each individual personality. Constant interaction with colleagues often leads to establishing close professional ties, which develop and continue over time. In this interview, we talk to Fanny Tomaselli, head of customer care, marketing and communication at Anodica.
In greeting her and wishing her all the best in the coming future, we would like to thank her and show her our deepest respect and esteem.
Fanny, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Let's start straight away with the questions.
- Can you tell us something about yourself? How did you balance your aptitude for studying with that of working?
"My path of study was based on learning foreign languages and cultures, a world that I have been passionate about since I was a child. At the end of that path, I chose to immediately enter the world of work, as I wanted. The knowledge I gained from my studies, combined with my personal skills allowed me to work in industrial companies in the marketing department."
- How long have you worked at Anodica? Do you remember your first day at Anodica?
"I have worked at Anodica for twenty years. Since the outset, I have found the utmost support and collaboration at all levels and this has allowed me to enthusiastically take advantage of many opportunities offered to me by the company, which have helped to enhance my professional experience. I vividly remember my initial period at Anodica. I came from another sector and, while continuing with marketing work, the type of products and management methods were totally different. However, with determination and also thanks to the collaboration of my colleagues I was soon able to fit into the new working environment."
- How has your job changed over the years?
"The way we work has changed over the years due to the introduction of new dynamics and innovations that have greatly improved customer management and project development. A renewed team of specialised, motivated and enthusiastic people at Anodica has also positively influenced me and has been a valuable support in achieving this goal. Moreover, thanks to technological development, which has allowed new and more diversified means of managing marketing and communication, I have been directly involved in this project and passionate about researching and identifying customer needs in order to apply new strategies to promote the company.”
- Is there any project that has been particularly memorable? If so, why?
"Over the years, many projects have been undertaken at Anodica. One of the most important was undoubtedly LEAN ORGANISATION, which greatly revolutionised the approach to production and, consequently, improved our customer service. In more recent times, the "Customer's Journey" project, aimed at evaluating the consumer experience by focusing on their perceptions and emotions, was very stimulating for us in the team involved. It also increased our sensitivity, allowing us to maximise customer satisfaction. A project in which the company invested heavily and to which I am particularly attached is the innovative antibacterial finish, patented by the Anodica R&D team a few years ago, ahead of the times and anticipating any such initiative by other competitors. I would like to point out that, in my opinion, empathetic participation is the essential pre-requisite for the success of any project, and I appreciate that Anodica has focused on cultivating this aspect."
- Do you want to share with us any entertaining episode related to your experience at Anodica?
“In 2014, Engineer Giorgio Zanchetta, General Manager of Anodica, organised a lunch at the company, to which the family members of all the employees were also invited. They were accompanied to all the production departments and given a detailed explanation of the processing methods involved for each plant, which was very much appreciated. This convivial event, which involved our entire families, was very interesting from a humane point of view."
- If you had to describe your path at Anodica using 3 adjectives, which ones would you choose?
"Professional, Motivating, Empathetic."
- What are you "taking home" from Anodica? What is your greatest satisfaction?
"From Anodica I will "take home" all the people who have contributed to my growth both professionally and also, and above all, from a humane point of view. My greatest satisfaction has been having the opportunity to interact with all my colleagues, working together in harmony to achieve common goals."
- And now, what passions will you be pursuing?
"I'm going to miss all this because for me working, in addition to taking up most of my time, is also a pleasure. From now on I will surely have more free time to develop my interests such as reading, yoga and meditation, travelling and completing the journey to Santiago de Compostela. I also hope to find room for some new experiences."
- What advice for the future do you want to leave for your colleagues at Anodica??
"Respect, sharing, teamwork and harmony."
- Well, our questions have ended. Would you like to say farewell or add a thought of your own on any matter we did not cover in the interview?
"I'm about to leave the company and, unfortunately, because of the emergency period we are experiencing I'm not able to interact directly with all the staff to say farewell and drink a toast as we are accustomed to doing at Anodica, and I deeply regret this. But surely with the aid of technology, I will be able to reach my colleagues, however, I will miss directly interacting with everyone.”
Thank you Fanny, your words convey the deep passion with which you have built, day after day, your path here at Anodica. We hope that you will fulfil, with determination and satisfaction, the small and big dreams of the coming future that awaits you.