Putting People at the Heart

We decided to carry out a self-analysis, trialling a recently created method, People Branding, which places maximum focus on the customer and is based on the exchanging of ideas and information.

We have always invested in perfecting our offering, in the quality of our components and the ability to provide customers with quick and efficient solutions.
A few years ago, we began to ask ourselves if this was sufficient, and whether our customers correctly perceive our “uniqueness” and the way we do things.
We therefore decided to carry out a self-analysis, trialling a recently created method, People Branding, which places maximum focus on the customer and is based on the exchanging of ideas and information.

We began with the aim of restyling our website with content and images more in line with who we were and what we did. We came to understand that each customer wants, and appreciates, one information and communication type, and that every moment and aspect of their experience with us was important to their level of final satisfaction.
In other words, we focussed on understanding not only customer needs but also on their expectations, worries and feelings, in order to improve our relations with them through each interaction.
An operation which involved an enlarged team with members from the marketing, sales quality control and technical departments, it resulted in concrete actions, among which was redefining how we communicate, both online e offline.
A task which is ongoing, continuously, because there is always room for improvement, and because every relationship must cultivated with constancy and care.

For those who may be curious, the journey Anodica took using this method is told through video and became a case example discussed in the book People Branding, published in April 2017 by the publishing house Franco Angeli.