60 years of history, innovation and projects of excellence

1962 - 2022: a great milestone for the entire anodica trevigiana team

We have been by your side for 60 years to create excellence and invest in innovation

This year, Anodica celebrates the achievement of a great milestone: 60 years of activity, always carried out with great dedication and commitment by each member of the team.
Thanks to the passion, the research and the continuous desire for improvement, Anodica has managed to go from being a small production company to a significant industrial player, serving customers all over the world and with multiple areas of specialization.

How was this possible?

This evolution is certainly the result of years of research, a problem-solving approach, and the continuous desire for improvement that has always characterized the company. But there is something more.
If Anodica has managed to reach this goal today, it is certainly also thanks to its employees, suppliers, customers and partners who, day by day, have supported it with great expertise.
And to thank everyone who has contributed to the company's growth, Anodica has made a video to summarize its mission and the path it has taken over the past 60 years.

Anodica - 60 years of innovation

However, this result does not represent a conclusion for Anodica.
Actually, the company has already started new investments and new projects to continue growing and improving, always keeping an eye on the future and on the sustainability of its actions.

Do you want to learn more? Discover more about the Anodica Trevigiana sustainability approach!

#Anodica #ATouchOfExcellence